Ernst Haeckel, 1879
From qualitative to quantitative
- What are the relevant parameters?
- How does adaptation and diversity depend on parameters?
- How repeatable is evolution?
- How predictable is evolution?
- How gradual is evolution?
Development of sequencing technologies
We can now sequence...
- thousands of bacterial isolates
- thousands of single cells
- populations of viruses, bacteria or flies
- diverse ecosystems
Experimental evolution -- Lenski experiment
Rich Lenski, Ben Good, Michael Desai et al
Evolution of HIV
- Chimp → human transmission around 1900 gave rise to HIV-1 group M
- ~100 million infected people since
- subtypes differ at 10-20% of their genome
- HIV-1 evolves ~0.1% per year
image: Sharp and Hahn, CSH Persp. Med.
Evolution of HIV
wikipedia, Klenermann et al
HIV infection
- $10^8$ cells are infected every day
- the virus repeatedly escapes immune recognition
- integrates into T-cells as latent provirus
image: wikipedia
HIV-1 evolution within one individual
Immune escape in early HIV infection
Immune escape in early HIV infection
HIV-1 evolution within one individual
silouhette:, Zanini at al, 2015. Collaboration with Jan Albert and his group
Population sequencing to track all mutations above 1%
- diverge at 0.1-1% per year
- almost whole genome coverage in 10 patients
- full data set at
Zanini et al, eLife, 2015; antibody data from Richman et al, 2003
The rate of sequence evolution in HIV
Mutation rate, evolutionary rate, substitution rates
- Mutation rate != evolutionary rate
- Neutral divergence = $\mu t$
- Diversifying selection → faster
- Purifying selection → slower
Evolution in different parts of the genome
- envelope changes fastest, enzymes lowest
- identical rate of synonymous evolution
- diversity saturates where evolution is fast
- synonymous mutations stay at low frequency
Zanini et al, eLife, 2015
Mutation rates and diversity and neutral sites
Zanini et al, Virus Evolution, 2017
HIV recombination
Recombination and linkage
Zanini et al, eLife, 2015
Why recombination?
- Red and blue: beneficial mutations
- Black: deleterious mutation
Inference of fitness costs
- mutation away from preferred state at rate $\mu$
- selection against non-preferred state with strength $s$
- variant frequency dynamics: $\frac{d x}{dt} = \mu -s x $
- equilibrium frequency: $\bar{x} = \mu/s $
- fitness cost: $s = \mu/\bar{x}$
Zanini et al, Virus Evolution, 2017
Inference of fitness costs
- Frequencies of costly mutations decorrelate fast $\frac{d x}{dt} = \mu -s x $
- $\Rightarrow$ average many samples to obtain accurate estimates
- Assumption: The global consensus is the preferred state
- Only use sites that initially agree with consensus
- Only use sites that don't chance majority nucleotide
Fitness landscape of HIV-1
Zanini et al, Virus Evolution, 2017
Selection on RNA structures and regulatory sites
Zanini et al, Virus Evolution, 2017
The distribution of fitness costs
Zanini et al, Virus Evolution, 2017
Fitness - diversity correlation
Zanini et al, Virus Evolution, 2017
Frequent reversion of previously beneficial mutations
- HIV escapes immune systems
- most mutations are costly
- humans selects for different mutations
- compensation or reversion?
T-cell turnover is fast in untreated infection
- latent HIV → barcode of a T-cell lineage
- all latent integrated virus derives from late infection
- untreated: T-cell lineages are short lived
- on therapy: T-cell clones live decades
Brodin et al, eLife, 2016
- Deep sequencing allows comprehensive characterization of evolving populations
- RNA viruses evolve rapidly enough to observe dynamics
- Fitness landscape can be estimated explicitly
- Constant struggle between maintaining a functional virus and adaptation to host immunity
- Latently integrated virus is an accurate snapshot of the virus before therapy
- Latent virus can serve as barcode for T-cells.
- Complex dynamics of many mutations: How do they interact?
- What are appropriate theoretical frameworks?
- Can we quantify the effect of recombination on HIV adaptation?
- How important is epistasis?
- Are there regions in the HIV genome that can't escape the immune system?
HIV acknowledgments
- Fabio Zanini
- Jan Albert
- Johanna Brodin
- Christa Lanz
- Göran Bratt
- Lina Thebo
- Vadim Puller