Speed of adaptation is logarithmic in population size
Environment (fitness landscape), not mutation supply, determines adaptation
Different models have universal emerging properties
Desai & Fisher, Genetics
Bolthausen-Sznitman Coalescent
RN, Hallatschek, PNAS, 2013; see also Brunet and Derrida, PRE, 2007; Desai, Walczak, Fisher, Genetics, 2013
Traveling waves and the Bolthausen-Snitman coalescent
Branching process approximation: $P(n_i, t|x_i)$
Does a sample (blue dots) have a common ancestor $\tau$ generations ago?
$\quad Q_b = \langle \sum_i \left(\frac{n_i}{\sum_j n_j}\right)^b\rangle \approx \frac{\tau-T_c}{T_c(b-1)} $
Non-exchangeable at short times: fitness is inherited, lineages grow at different speed
On intermediate time scales: exchangeable with power-law tail distribution: $P(n_i) \sim n_i^{-2}$
RN, Hallatschek, PNAS, 2013; see also Brunet and Derrida, PRE, 2007
Universality of the Bolthausen-Sznitman Coalescent (BSC)
many small effect mutations → coalescence is BSC like
fitness diversity $\sigma$, not population size determines $T_{MRCA}$
the time scale of coalescence is always $T_c \sim \sigma^{-1}\sqrt{\log N}$
frequency dynamics is not diffusive, but has Levy-flight properties
$g(x,t|y,t')$: density of observed child lineages at $(t, x)$ (time,fitness) given a parent at $(t',y)$
conditional no observed branching between parent and child.
RN, Russell, Shraiman, eLife, 2014
Validate on simulation data
simulate evolution
sample sequences
reconstruct trees
infer fitness
predict ancestor of future
compare to truth
RN, Russell, Shraiman, eLife, 2014
Validation on simulated data
RN, Russell, Shraiman, eLife, 2014
Validation on simulated data
RN, Russell, Shraiman, eLife, 2014
Prediction of the dominating H3N2 influenza strain
no influenza specific input
how can the model be improved? (see model by Luksza & Laessig)
what other context might this apply?
RN, Russell, Shraiman, eLife, 2014
Asymptotic analysis suggested simple heuristic: Local Branching Index
For each node, calculate "tree volume" in neighborhood with an exponential kernel
Characteristic scale: fraction of the coalescent time scale ($\sim T_c/15$)
Fitness variation → no longer exchangeable pop-gen
Mutational dynamics effectively restores exchangeability after some time, but....
Resulting offspring distributions have long tails → no longer Kingman
Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent is universal if pioneer strains compete
Insights into pop-gen of rapid adaptation → flu prediction