Potential impact of seasonal forcing on a SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Richard Neher
Biozentrum, University of Basel
slides at
Original title mid February...
Published two weeks later...
Seasonal incidence of influenza viruses
Data by the US CDC
Seasonal incidence of enteroviruses
Pons-Salort et al
Potential seasonal drivers
humidity (e.g. dry air increases time before droplets fall down)
UV light
behavior (e.g. time spent indoors, ventilation, heating)
Exact nature of forcing not relevant for this talk...
2009 pandemic influenza -- UK
By Dave Farrance - wikipedia
1918 influenza --- UK
Taubenberger et al
by Trevor Bedford
Human corona viruses have pronounced seasonal prevalence (Sweden)
Neher et al
SIR model with seasonal forcing
$$\beta(t) = \beta_0\left(1+\epsilon\cos(2\pi (t-\theta))\right)$$
Neher et al
Strong seasonality can be generated through strong forcing or resonance
Yellow: good fit -- Blue: poor fit
Neher et al
Seasonal forcing and the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Counter-factual scenario without strong social distancing!
Seasonal forcing and the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Potential transition to an endemic seasonal virus
Robert Dyrdak
Jan Albert
Valentin Druelle
Emma Hodcroft