Population genetics of rapid adaptation and influenza virus evolution
Richard Neher
Biozentrum & SIB, University of Basel
slides at neherlab.org/202101_.html
Human seasonal influenza viruses
slide by Trevor Bedford
- Influenza viruses evolve to avoid human immunity
- Vaccines need frequent updates
Fitness variation in rapidly adapting populations
- Speed of adaptation is logarithmic in population size
- Environment (fitness landscape), not mutation supply, determines adaptation
- Different models have universal emerging properties
RN, Annual Reviews, 2013; Desai & Fisher; Brunet & Derrida; Kessler & Levine
Neutral/Kingman coalescent
strong selection
Bolthausen-Sznitman Coalescent
RN, Hallatschek, PNAS, 2013; see also Brunet and Derrida, PRE, 2007; Desai, Walczak, Fisher, Genetics, 2013
Burst in the tree ↔ high fitness
Simple heuristic: Local branching index
Prediction of the dominating H3N2 influenza strain
- no influenza specific input
- how can the model be improved? (see model by Luksza & Laessig)
- what other context might this apply?
RN, Russell, Shraiman, eLife, 2014
Limits of predictability
Barrat-Charlaix et al, 2020
Fixation probability
A/H3N2 influenza
Simulations with increasing interference
Barrat-Charlaix et al, 2020
A/H3N2 influenza doesn't quite fit
- Strong signal of positive selection
- Rapid clade displacement, interference
- Any given escape only allows to escape a fraction of the population
→ expiration of selection long before a mutation is common
- The more diverse the immune landscape, the more neutral it looks
- Still, evolutionary rate at antigenic sites very high
Influenza and Theory acknowledgments
- Boris Shraiman
- Colin Russell
- Trevor Bedford
- Pierre Barrat
- Oskar Hallatschek
- All the NICs and WHO CCs that provide influenza sequence data
- The WHO CCs in London and Atlanta for providing titer data
Trevor Bedford and his lab -- terrific collaboration since 2014
especially James Hadfield, Emma Hodcroft, Ivan Aksamentov, Moira Zuber, and Tom Sibley
Data we analyze are contributed by scientists from all over the world
Data are shared and curated by GISAID
Why do predictions work
Barrat-Charlaix et al, 2020