Tracking and predicting the evolution of human RNA viruses
Richard Neher
Biozentrum & SIB, University of Basel
slides at
Human seasonal influenza viruses
slide by Trevor Bedford
Positive tests for influenza in the USA by week
Data by the US CDC
Sequences record the spread of pathogens
Mutations accumulate at a rate of $10^{-5}$ per site and day!
images by Trevor Bedford
Influenza viruses evolve to avoid human immunity
Vaccines need frequent updates
Influenza B viruses have split into two lineages
Le Yan, RN, Shraiman, bioRxiv, 2018
GISRS and GISAID -- Influenza virus surveillance
comprehensive coverage of the world
timely sharing of data through GISAID -- often within 2-3 weeks of sampling
hundreds of sequences per week (in peak months)
→ requires continuous analysis and easy dissemination
→ interpretable and intuitive visualization
joint project with Trevor Bedford & his lab
by Trevor Bedford
by Trevor Bedford
Tracking diversity and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Nextstrain
Available data on Jan 26
Early genomes differed by only a few mutations, suggesting very recent emergence
Interactive part on Nextstrain
VoCs have more mutations than expected...
VoCs and VoIs: rapid converging evolution by Emma Hodcroft
Reduced neutralization of VoCs by convalescent serum (B.1.351)
Cele et al, 2021, Wibmer et al 2021
Deep mutational scanning approaches
Library of pseudo-typed virus with mutations at every position
Propagate in cell culture with and without selection (serum, ABs)
Measure which variants are selected for
→ assess mutations before they are observed
→ screen for potentially important variants
→ follow-up with virological/serological studies
Greaney et al 2021
Summary and Conclusions
Enormous amounts of data provide unprecedented real time picture of a pandemic
Several highly evolved variants of SARS-CoV-2 emerged in a short time
The current VoCs are likely just the tip of the iceberg
Processing, analyzing, and interpreting data is a major challenge
Integration of genomic and experimental data is key to generate insight
Trevor Bedford and his lab -- terrific collaboration since 2014
especially James Hadfield, Emma Hodcroft, Ivan Aksamentov, Moira Zuber, and Tom Sibley
Data we analyze are contributed by scientists from all over the world
Data are shared and curated by GISAID
Influenza and Theory acknowledgments
Boris Shraiman
Colin Russell
Trevor Bedford
Pierre Barrat
Oskar Hallatschek
All the NICs and WHO CCs that provide influenza sequence data
The WHO CCs in London and Atlanta for providing titer data