Kramer's rate
Simulate the Langevin equation to study escape rates.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## Set a bunch of parameters
h = 10.0 # barrier height (actual barrier heigth will be h/e)
dt = 0.01 # time step for integration of the Langevin equation
sqrt_dt = np.sqrt(2.0*dt) # precompute the prefactor of the diffusive term
x_left = -10.0 # left boundary (reflecting)
x_right = 1.0 # right boundary (absorbing)
x = 0.5*(x_left+x_right) # initial position
x_distribution = [] # empty list to collect points for the spatial distribution
t_distribution = [] # empty list to collect the barrier crossing times
n_runs = 200 # number of runs
t_total = 1000000 # max time before breaking
batch = 10000 # batch size of time points to speed up random number generation
def force(x):
# potential 10e^{x - e^{x}}
#f = -10*np.exp(x-np.exp(x))*(1-np.exp(x))
y = np.exp(x) # precalculate
return -h*y*np.exp(-y)*(1-y)
def potential(x):
return h*np.exp(x - np.exp(x))
## report n_runs times
for n in range(n_runs):
escaped = False
# loop over batches
for j in range(t_total//batch):
eta = np.random.normal(size=batch) # make batch gaussian random numbers
for i in range(batch): # loop over the these
# Langevin equation for the increment in position
dx = dt*force(x) + sqrt_dt*eta[i]
if x+dx < x_left: # reflecting boundary
x = x_left - (x + dx - x_left)
elif x+dx>x_right: # absorbing boundary
escaped = True
break # -> break out of loop
x += dx
if escaped: # if we have hit the right boundary
t = (j*batch+i)*dt
t_distribution.append(t) # record time
x = 0.5*(x_left+x_right)
print("escape event, t=",t)
break # start with new run
# make histogram and plot spatial distribution
x_hist, bins = np.histogram(x_distribution, bins=np.linspace(x_left, x_right, 101))
bc = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])
bw = bins[1]-bins[0]
dis = x_hist/bw/len(x_distribution) # normalized distribution
plt.plot(bc, dis, label='observed distribution')
# add boltzmann distribution scaled to overlap with the empirical distribution
plt.plot(bc, np.exp(-potential(bc))*dis[0], label='Boltzmann distribution')
# plot temporal distribution
t_hist, t_bins = np.histogram(t_distribution, bins=30)
bc = 0.5*(t_bins[1:]+t_bins[:-1])
bw = np.diff(t_bins)
t_dis = t_hist/bw/len(t_distribution)
plt.plot(bc, t_dis, label='escape time distribution')
print("Barrier height:", h)
print("Mean time:", np.mean(t_distribution))